Cyber Security Data Privacy Guide Tips

Data Privacy- Service Before Self

We all know how important it is to keep our private documents and info safe from data breach that has become a huge menace in the virtual world where you can find hackers sitting in dark corners prowling for innocent victims to dupe into submitting their private details through sweet talk.

The cyber world is a huge palace in itself because many people want to be a part of it but hardly a few have a genuine idea how dangerous it can be if caution is not exercised because you need to follow certain terms and conditions in order to make yourself known.

We all know that we need to enter personal details like name, residential address, email address and many other things due to which it becomes a hazard at times because you hardly know what lies in store but let us look at certain steps that can be taken for data privacy lest anyone things the author is frightening people into not joining the medium.

Tips to Follow

It is a common practice for business tycoons and CEOs of multinational companies to prioritize on cyber security with the best measures available as there is a high probability of it falling into the wrong hands through hackers leading to catastrophic results.

Common people neglect using similar measures on their stored data, which is why it is important to educate them about the seriousness of the situation through the following points.

  • Use Virtual Private Network (VPN) as it is a strong software that can stop hackers and cyber criminals from accessing your data because it allows you to encrypt your online communication and important data so as to prevent it from getting lost. VPN will also help you in sharing your files with other sources without it getting stolen but the real reason why VPN stands out is because it keeps all the data anonymous without revealing web applications to anyone with pin point VPN being a good alternative
  • Malware is a big menace that people have to be wary of and its updated version called ransom ware because virus is now a thing of the past because they can leech on to the system like a dreaded disease and start infecting files and documents along with software and delete it in no time leading to financial loss, which is quite alarming as malware attacks have been on the rise as of late so make sure to install anti-virus and anti-malware software in your system so as to prevent it from happening
  • Wireless Network has to be secured with strong encryption keys as hackers are smart enough to breakthrough weak ones and breach all security measures to gain access to data
  • Never share private info on social media platforms as it is an annoying practice that most youngsters have gotten into due to like sharing their address, phone number, vacation trips on Facebook that makes their info susceptible to hackers

  • Password Manager is a good app through which you can generate new passwords at random because it is tough to create strong passwords with difficult upper and lowercase alphabets, digits, etc.
  • Never try for Wi-Fi networks in public as transactions can make your account details open for breach
  • Update your software from time to time
  • Uninstall unnecessary apps that are of no use so as to make more space for important ones
Joseph Keough is a writer, social media manager, and entrepreneur. He founded Take Back Parliament in 2014 with the goal of transforming the site as one of the most trusted and reliable generic news sources across the internet

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